Dräger Babyleo® TN500

The Babyleo® TN500 is Dräger’s first IncuWarmer that provides optimal thermoregulation for neonates in open care, closed care and transition. With the combination of three heat sources, this device protects your little patients so they can grow while making your workflow easier with quick and comfortable access to the baby.


Redefining Thermoregulation – Keeping the temperature stable

Babyleo is Dräger’s first IncuWarmer that provides optimal warming as an incubator, as a radiant warmer and during the transition between closed and open care. The convective heater, dual radiant warmer and heated mattress are synchronized to keep the temperature stable so heat loss and overheating are avoided. The convective heater is activated on a low level while the radiant heater is running so when you decide to switch modes, the transition can happen immediately giving you quick access without having to cope with heat loss. Advanced therapy warm-up, weaning and cooling modes allow you to focus on the patient. The closed humidification system allows you to set the humidity level up to 99% RH in manual mode or gives you the option to use Auto mode.

Making your workflow easier and more efficient

The hood design allows you to open it with only one finger giving you exceptionally fast and easy access. The jumbo handports enable you to reach the entire bed area. The variable height adjustment ensures a comfortable workplace and allows mothers to be closer to their babies, even when sitting in a wheelchair. You can intuitively navigate through the display with the easy-to-use Dräger user interface and Touch-Turn-Confirm operating concept. Automatic modes are included so you have more time to focus on the baby instead of the device.

The next best thing to the womb

Designed with the baby’s development in mind, Babyleo has an extremely low operating noise level as well as light and noise monitoring inside the patient compartment. This way you are aware of the baby’s exposure to potentially harmful stimuli and you can react to reduce these stressors. A safely integrated audio stimulation function gives you the opportunity to play mom’s heartbeat or voice to soothe and stabilize the baby.

  • Welcoming family centered care
  • The friendly device design, large variable height adjustment range plus other elements allow parents to comfortably get closer to the baby and make families feel welcome when visiting.
  • The dedicated and personalized Family View clearly displays baby’s therapy status and progress so it is easy to understand at a glance – all in an effort to help integrate parents into the care process.
  • Designed with infection prevention in mind

The device’s smooth surfaces and limited number of parts for disassembly make cleaning fast and easy. The completely closed humidification system, plus the fact that humidification is provided by steam from boiled water, eliminates the risk of germs entering the system. The automatic humidifier cleaning mode heats up the remaining water in the humidification reservoir until the reservoir is clean and empty when the device is not in use.


Curabitur accumsan auctor ipsum, eget aliquam tellus dignissim id. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vehicula scelerisque lacus id ultrices. Nullam vestibulum pharetra orci vel venenatis. Proin in pulvinar lorem, sed tempor felis. Cras tincidunt non felis imperdiet lobortis. Nulla nec nisl tempor, tincidunt lectus quis, tincidunt leo. Quisque laoreet ac velit fringilla tempor. Nullam a sollicitudin tellus. Curabitur et nulla quis diam porttitor tempor sed eu magna. Sed magna magna, fringilla vel luctus at, eleifend vitae risus. Fusce maximus pellentesque risus at ornare. Ut fermentum semper elit.

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