Experience the next level of ventilator operation.
The Evita® V800 combines high performance ventilation with an aesthetic design enabling quick and efficient operation. From the first onset of a lung protective ventilation until the integration of a patient care-centered intensive care workplace.
The brilliant user interface combined with up-to-date glass touch technology supports intuitive operation.
Support of instant, flexible patient transport through optional hardware components and early mobilization.
Our comprehensive treatment tools help support your lung protective ventilation strategy.
Support of a synchronized way for quick and efficient weaning.
We envision a future of acute care where medical devices are connected as a system. Interoperability between different devices can help to avoid preventable medical errors and potentially serious inefficiencies. The new standardised network protocol named SDC makes the safe and dynamic connectivity in the hospital possible which will allow interoperability of medical devices in the future.
Our first step will be connectivity through CC300:
Comprehensive Services encompasses a wide range of service solutions prior, during and after the installation of your purchased units.
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