Dräger Fabius Tiro®

Get the most out of even the smallest spaces with a compact yet fully featured anaesthesia solution designed for use in a variety of specialised environments.


Compact, flexible and effective

The Dräger Fabius Tiro provides everything you need for high quality anaesthesia care in small spaces. Its compact yet flexible design gives you excellent functionality and lets you make the most of the space available. The Fabius Tiro can be equipped with a wide range of options that will allow you to customize it to suit your particular needs.

Powerful, accurate ventilation without drive gas

Because the Fabius Tiro features our electrically driven e-vent ventilator, it delivers ICU-like performance without the need for drive gas. This highly accurate piston ventilation means it is well suited to treat pediatric patients. The external compact breathing system (COSY) – especially designed for low-flow anaesthesia – consists of very few parts and can be quickly disassembled for cleaning. By the way, the Fabius Tiro is CLIC-Absorber compatible.

Enhanced safety features

In spite of its compact size, the Dräger Fabius Tiro comes equipped with optional, advanced features for added safety and convenience, including fresh gas decoupling, dynamic compliance compensation and backup ventilation for Pressure Support modes. The quick-start feature allows manual ventilation even when the power is off, the ventilator is in standby mode or powering up. If the central gas supply should fail, the Fabius Tiro will even let you continue automatic ventilation temporarily.

Comprehensive information management

With its integrated high visibility screen, digital fresh gas displays and an additional mechanical gas flow tube for total gas flow measurement, the Dräger Fabius Tiro provides you with clear, comprehensive status information on a wide range of relevant parameters. Data can also be exported to external monitors or for further analysis with Patient Data Management Systems (PDMS).

Designed for confined spaces

The Fabius Tiro is a great choice for environments where space is limited – places like induction rooms, emergency wards, or minor procedure rooms. Flexible positioning solutions let you mount the Fabius Tiro on the wall, the ceiling or even on a highly maneuverable trolley which includes large drawers for consumables and instruments.

Modular open architecture

A modular design concept lets you equip your Fabius Tiro with a wide range of extras and accessories. Whether its hemodynamic monitoring, gas monitoring or even spirometry, the Fabius Tiro gives you the option to expand your capabilities whenever the need arises. The Fabius Tiro is also ready for integration into your hospital information system.


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