Ideal for elective and unanticipated difficult airways Difficult airways remain a challenge and unsuccessful management of the difficult airway is a main cause of complication in anesthesia. When intubating, either electively or facing an unanticipated difficult airway, it is recommended the products used are reliable and familiar.
ProVu Video Laryngoscope Macintosh blade is the same shape and profile of our popular BritePro Solo, providing reliability with the added advantage of video technology.
Apply familiar airway management techniques with confidence while sharing a better view with your team.
Curabitur accumsan auctor ipsum, eget aliquam tellus dignissim id. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Sed vehicula scelerisque lacus id ultrices. Nullam vestibulum pharetra orci vel venenatis. Proin in pulvinar lorem, sed tempor felis. Cras tincidunt non felis imperdiet lobortis. Nulla nec nisl tempor, tincidunt lectus quis, tincidunt leo. Quisque laoreet ac velit fringilla tempor. Nullam a sollicitudin tellus. Curabitur et nulla quis diam porttitor tempor sed eu magna. Sed magna magna, fringilla vel luctus at, eleifend vitae risus. Fusce maximus pellentesque risus at ornare. Ut fermentum semper elit.