The blender, suction, flowmeter, and positive pressure are conveniently mounted on the bed, easily accessible at your fingertips.
The T-Piece resuscitation sets a new neonatal care standard, featuring the groundbreaking Autobreath option for hands-free operation. Simply configure breath per minute, FI02, PEEP, and airway pressure relief to cater to each infant’s unique clinical needs. This innovation streamlines the resuscitation process, allowing healthcare providers to focus on critical aspects of care. With customizable parameters, precise control is achieved, ensuring optimal support for distressed neonates. The T-Piece resuscitation with Autobreath empowers medical teams, enhancing efficiency, safety, and outcomes during crucial moments of neonatal care, ultimately improving prospects for newborns and their families.
With Pre Warm mode, caregivers can focus on the mother and baby without interruption from alarms, ensuring seamless care and attention.
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